I am no longer taking on one to one clients.
If you would like to work on your schemas you might want to consider joining the online membership programme re-opening on April 1st 2024.
Changing old patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours takes time and practice. Re-wiring new healthy patterns in the brain is a process that's dependent on systematic, repetitive practices over time.
From experience of working with clients over the last 10 years, a minimum of 10 sessions is optimal to start seeing significant results.
The Personal Coaching Programme includes:
Price for the personal coaching programme is US $2000.
*You can pay for the coaching in 2 blocks of five sessions - contact me at christine@schematherapyonline.com for more details.
You might want to consider the schema assessment first to help you make a more informed decision as to whether the coaching will be suitable for you. Click here for more details.