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If you identify with five or more of these statements - there is a strong likelihood that you have this schema.
- 1I worry a lot about what people think of me.
- 2Many of my decisions have been based on what other people will think.
- 3In social situations, I get anxious that people are judging me or don't like me.
- 4I tend to change how I act and talk depending on who I am with.
- 5I don't feel like I have a strong sense of identity.
- 6Lots of praise and attention from others makes me feel worthwhile.
- 7I want everyone to like me.
- 8Having money and status is really important to me.
- 9My self esteem is very dependent on what other people think of me.
- 10I tend to dwell on what I have said or done, worrying that I might have offended someone.
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